About WishBone

My photo
Ponoka, Alberta, Canada
“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” Ansel Adams The above quote couldn’t be more true. Artists from all genres create their art from what they see within themselves. As a developing photographer, I strive to capture my subjects as I see them. As I learn, I grow to realize that how we see things is very different at times from how others see them. The name "WishBone Photography" is in homage to my Father who had a small wood working business named "WishBone WoodWorks". That combined with my surname made finding a name for myself rather easy. Cheers Dad R.I.P. I acquired a camera from a friend in a trade in early 2009, and was instantly bitten by the "Shutter Bug". Since then I have been keenly interested in capturing the world around me. From beautiful flowers, to monstrous man made structures, and everything in between. I am currently attempting to hone my natural skills, and develop a more educated approach. Never forgetting that you can't create a great photograph, you can merely reproduce that which you can see. Please feel free to add comments, or email me directly with any questions, and/or comments you may have.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Recent Ramble

Just a quick note here. I have been doing all kinds of fun stuff. Mostly working, but also getting some time in with the camera. Looking forward to summer arriving so that I can capture some great stuff. Country stuff. Take care, Richard

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2, 2011

Hello There,

It has been a long long time since I started this Blog and have been very neglectful in keeping up with things. 

Some recent activities have included taking some great shots of winter scenes in Northern Alberta, and along the highways to get there. I have also added some new gear including a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 for portraits, a Tamron 70-300 zoom for nature, a top mount flash diffuser, and a really great ProMaster Adventure series bag to haul it all around. 

I have also had several works featured at WishBone Photography This is all very exciting to me. I have also put together a price list for doing family portraits, and been approached by several people to  shoot their families at their favourite locations.

Here's to hoping all goes well, and thank you for taking the time to visit.  

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inaugural Post !

Hello, and welcome to this, my first ever BLOG. In setting up this blog I guess I am hoping to provide another place where I can showcase my love for photography, and in turn garner enough interest as to make the jump into the world of contract photography. Whether it be for families wanting portraits of the kids and pets for keepsakes, or corporations looking for marketing and promotional photography. I aim to be flexible enough to make your children giggle, and your CEO stand out in a business publication.

As I am new to Blogging, I will build on it over time and hope you enjoy and share whatever photographic tips, and comments you may have.

Once again, thank you for taking a look, and I hope to learn from this experience.

WishBone Photography